WBAI Studios
New York NY
"Morning Dew"

Source:SBD/FM>VCR>VCR Tape Master>Cassette 1st Gen
Transfer:1st Gen Cassette>Denon DRW 840>(Pass Thru)Sony R300 SBM>Optical>MeritLine USB Adapter>PC>CD Wave>FLAC Frontend (Level 8)
Taped & Transfered: Freddie G

1. Slow Change
2. Crystal Flame
3. Mulling It Over>
4. But Anyway
5. Trust In Trust>
6. Gina (Fades Out)

1st time i ever heard Blues Traveler used to set up VCR to tape "Morning Dew/Dead Air" at the ungoddly hour these programs were on
I used to be in the car on the way to work early mornings and listen along when i was able to keep WBAI tuned in
when i heard this program i pulled over where the signal was strong missed the carpool BUT i was HOOKED