Blues Traveler
July 19th, 1990
Wetlands Preserve, New York, NY

Master creation:
SBD>Cass/x (believed to be 1st generation, but not labeled)
by Dave Nolan

SHNs were made:
Cass(x)>D8; DA-20>U2A>SoundEdit 16>WAV>shntool>SHNv3 [no DAE]
by Dave Mallick []

CD 1 [70:57.03] (minutes:seconds.frames)
01. Love Of My Life* [11:20.41]
02. 100 Years* [04:18.50]
03. Alone> [13:08.74]
04. Sweet Talking Hippie [10:57.43]
05. And So It Goes** [15:27.14]
06. But Anyway [08:38.01]
07. Onslaught [07:06.05]

* with Roger Fox on flute
** with Eric Schenkman on guitar

- Recording is incomplete; this sounds like set II only.
- Show also circulates on analog as 7-14-90 minus the last
three tracks; this is the correct date according to Gigs At
A Glance mailers from that era.