Blues Traveler
Flying Monkey
Plymouth, NH USA

Taper: Dana Fletcher
SSdsm6l > D8 Dat 44.1
30 yards left stack.

D8 line out> PC line in> EAC (record wav + tracking)> Har bal> Cool Edit Pro EQ slightly> WAV> FLAC

intro > things are looking up
true love
ny prophet
devil in details
100 years
run around
regarding steven
but anyway > jam
recognize my friend
brother john> mockingbird> shout (snippets)

happy birthday suzie> all things are possible
defense and desire >
love and greed
you do not have to love me
carolina blues>
love is everything
devil went down to (NH)

I used har bal and compaired freq to a SBD instant live CD - then EQ the bass down slightly.
Track 1 had a few glitches when the mic cord was bumped as I was putting the DAT away. I used Cool Edit noise pop filter on this track and "fixed" the errors.

I think this came out pretty well - minus a few drunk screeming idiots. I lowered the volume of the "yell" so it was not as loud.

Enjoy and share for free.

Thanks to Blues Traveler - Gina and Greenone for the ticket!!!
