Blues Traveler
Prairie Band Casino & Resort
Great Lakes Ballroom
Mayetta, KS
Source: Church Audio CA-11 omnis > CA-UglyII > Edirol R-09HR @24/48
Location: front row, far left side, approx. 8' in front of left P.A. stack
Transfer: SD card > pc > dithered/resampled to 16/44.1 w/ r8brain > CDWave > Audacity (fades) > Flac level 6
Taped and Transferred by: Jeremy Lykins (jeremylykins hotmail com)
01. intro >
02. Sweet Talkin' Hippie >
03. Devil Went Down To Georgia
04. Looking Up > bass jam >
05. Run-Around
06. stage banter
07. Castaway >
08. Dropping Some NYC >
09. NY Prophesie
10. Blow Up the Moon > keytar jam >
11. Dropping Some NYC
12. stage banter
13. 100 Years (acoustic)
14. But Anyway >
15. drums >
16. Hook
17. crowd noise / band intros & solos / "Happy Birthday" to Adam the soundguy
18. La Grange
notes: There are a few spots where the levels clip, but none are too bad.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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