Bo Ningen
The Deaf Institute
Manchester, UK
Equipment: AT853a/SCC mics > Naiant Tinyhead preamp > Sony PCM-M10 > 16GB SanDisk MicroSDHC
Lineage: WAV (24-bit, 48 kHz) > Audacity v2.0.0 (edit; normalise; transient peak reduction; fade in/out; tracking; resample to 16-bit, 44.1 kHz) > xACT v2.27 (fix SBEs) > FLAC level 8 (add tags, create checksums)
Taper: stepeanut
01 Intro
02 Kaifuku
03 Slider
04 Psychedelic Misemono Goya (Reprise)
05 [unknown]
06 Henkan
07 Koroshitai Kimochi
08 Nichijyou
09 DaDaDa
10 Yuruyakana Ao
11 Daikaisei Part II, III
Running time: 61:48
Taigen Kawabe - vocals, bass
Kohhei Matsuda - guitar
Yuki Tsujii - guitar
Akihide "Mon-Chan" Monna - drums
Please do not convert to MP3, except for personal use. Trade the original, lossless fileset only, including this info file and the checksums. Do not sell this recording.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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