Bob Dylan
Paramount Theatre
Portland, Oregon
January 12, 1980
JEMS Master
Recording Gear: Sony Mic > Sony TC-55
2014 Transfer: master cassettes > Nakamichi CR-7A > SoundDevices USBPre2 >
Audacity 2.0 24/96 capture > iZotope RX clean-up > iZotope MBIT+ convert to 16/44.1 >
Peak Pro XT (pitch correction / volume smoothing / edit / index) > xACT 2.21 > FLAC
101 Can I Ride
102 It's Gonna Rain
103 Look Up And Live By Faith
104 Show Me The Way
105 Freedom At The Wall
106 This Train
107 Gotta Serve Somebody
108 I Believe In You
109 When You Gonna Wake Up
110 When He Returns
111 Man Gave Names To All The Animals
112 Precious Angel
113 Slow Train
114 Covenant Woman
201 God Uses Ordinary People (Mona Lisa Young)
202 Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking
203 Do Right To Me Baby (Do Unto Others)
204 Solid Rock
205 Saving Grace
206 Saved
207 What Can I Do For You?
208 In The Garden
209 Applause
210 Band Introduction
211 Blessed Be The Name
212 Pressing On
To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first time any recording of the second
night of the 1980 tour has been made widely available, at least according to the tour and
tape histories chronicled by Olof and Lossless Bob.
For years, it has always puzzled us that there were three dates in the Northwest at the
start of Dylan's 1980 tour for which there was no known tape. Puzzling because S of JEMS
and some of his taping peers at the time attended the Portland and Seattle shows, and to
the best of S's knowledge, all the shows were taped. In fact, for years, S suggested that
he's not sure he recorded himself because he was so sure the shows were being covered by
others with better gear.
And yet, no tapes from Portland January 11, 12 and Seattle January 15 ever seemed to
circulate. And among the thousands of tapes in the consolidated JEMS archive, including
what we believed to be all of S's masters, the shows weren't there either. And yet, they
had to have been recorded, right?
I've asked S questions about these shows for the last 20 years, so imagine my surprise
when he called a couple of months ago to say our friend WG had found a box of S's tapes
in his house. A box of tapes very likely borrowed in 1986 and forgotten about until two
months ago when they were discovered lurking behind or under some furniture.
And lo and behold, there in the box were the masters for January 12 and January 15,
missing in action for over 30 years. The box made its way to me for fresh transfers,
so thanks to WG and S for that. And while it didn't contain the tape of January 11
(we'll have to keep our fingers crossed on that one), it did contain another 15-20 tapes
missing from the archive that I had held in my own hands back in 1986 and had never seen
The bulk of these were first generation copies made for S by a legendary taper, a taper
not known to have ever recorded some of the artists included, but it turns out he did.
The tapes are marked in that legendary taper's own unmistakable way. And the notes he
included shed just a bit more light on his legend, both in terms of what additional shows
he captured, but also the gear he used. It would appear he even managed to record the
same show on two different recorders with two different microphones. Two mics--how
appropriate for him. That tease will have to suffice for now, but we will be getting to
those tapes in due time.
But until then, it turns out S was underselling himself, as his recording of the lost
Portland show is very listenable indeed and a fine document of this compelling slice of
Dylan's career. Samples provided.
Thanks to our brother in arms mjk5510 for his continued assistance in taking these tapes
over the finish line. It is partners like him that truly get the flow going, and right
now we're sitting on a stack of great new tapes to post from Dylan and others.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: