Bob Dylan Bushnell Memorial Hall
Hartford, Connecticut
8 May 1980
1. Gotta Serve Somebody
2. I Believe In You
3. When You Gonna Wake Up
4. Ain't Gonna Go To Hell For Anybody
5. Cover Down, Break Through
6. Precious Angel
7. Man Gave Names To All The Animals
8. Slow Train
9. Do Right To Me Baby (Do Unto Others)
10. Solid Rock
11. Saving Grace
12. Saved (Bob Dylan/Tim Drummond)
13. What Can I Do For You?
14. In The Garden
15. Are You Ready?
16. Pressing On
Concert # 18 of the Third Gospel Tour.
Gospel concert # 68.
1980 concert # 42.
Concert # 18 with the Third Gospel Band: Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar), Fred Tackett (guitar), Spooner Oldham (keyboards),
Tim Drummond (bass), Terry Young (keyboards), Jim Keltner (drums), Clydie King, Gwen Evans, Mary Elizabeth Bridges,
Regina Havis, Mona Lisa Young (background vocals).
13 Bob Dylan (harmonica).
16 Bob Dylan (piano).
Thank you. All right, you know I talk mostly about God these days. About the spirit of God. Maybe talk about Jesus too. (....)
they're not gonna like that name. You gotta warn them demons right now, (....) tonight. Anyway we gonna save the (....) too,
we gotta face the worst of God. So like, you got a twenty dollar bill and you can spend it gotta take it to the bank to get it
redeemed or you can't do that. (before When You Gonna Wake Up?)
Thank you. Ain't Gonna Go To Hell For Anybody. Can't let nobody take you there. Better read those compliments. I know
that right now it's not fashionable to think about him, I know that. But God has got no fashion anyway God is always
fashionable. But it's hard not to go to hell you know, there's so many distractions, so many influences, you start walking
right, there's always someone there to drag you down. Sweet enemy on the outside then the enemy, comes inside. They got all
kinds of ways. The Bible says resist the Devil never how sweet. You gotta stand to resist him, and so that's how we got to
stand. Why we got to stand. You listening to me? Do you understand you gotta stand? Everybody know, all right? We got (...)
to remember. We can come back tomorrow night, Oh Mercy! (before Cover Down/Break Through)
All right there it is. Long time ago they used to have these Greek plays, I guess, pretty long time ago. Anyway now they have
groups called actors, you know that. Back then they had actors too, but they called them hypocrites. That's right! There'd be
like a play, like a play with thirty people in it, but actually there'd only be four. They all used to wear masks. They'd all come
out in a mask, [Dylan says a few words in a high-pitched voice] talk in another voice. They�d just were a mask. So four
people could play the part of thirty people. That's a heavy responsibility, keeps you on your toes. Never know who you are,
so there's a lot of hypocrites. They're talking, you know, using Jesus' name, but don't you let that put you off, cause you're
still dealing with the world. Jesus has overcome the world, that's what he did at the Cross. As simple as that. You may think
it's complicated, but actually if you look at Jesus you gotta look at the Cross. Actually if you're wondering why all these
things are happening these days. Joshua you know he went to, I believe it was Canaan land and God told him at certain
times to destroy all the Canaanites, every man, women and children there. That's bad! He certainly hated to leave the
children, but they were just all defiled. And there was some cities that he said, "oh go in there yeah" and Joshua wondered
why, and God said because their iniquity is not yet full. So now, when you look around today, when we started out this tour,
we started out in San Francisco. And ..., that's a ... San Francisco is a kind of a unique town these days. I think it's either one
third or two thirds of the population there are homosexuals. All right! I guess they're working up to a 100 per cent, I don't
know. Anyway, it�s a growing place for homosexuals, and I read they have a homosexuals politics, it�s a political party, I
don't mean it's going on in somebody�s closet, I mean it's just political. All right, you know what I'm talking about. Anyway
would just think ..., I guess the iniquity�s not yet full, and I don't wanna be around when it is! (before Solid Rock)
All right, thank you. All right we gotta go soon. Actually I could stay here and talk to you all night. But I tell you
it's later than you think, but in truth it's sooner than you think. (before In The Garden)
Thank you. All right, on the keyboards tonight,from Muscle Shoals, Alabama, give him a hand, Spooner Oldham. On the other set of keyboards, from Birmingham
Alabama, Terry Young. Lead guitar tonight, from Little Rock, Arkansas, Fred Tackett. On the drums, from Tulsa, Oklahoma,
Jim Keltner. Playing bass guitar tonight from Cincinnati, Mr. Tim Drummond. All right, from Dallas, Texas, Clydie King.
From Houston, Texas, Gwen Evans. From San Francisco, ha ha, Mary Bridges. Also from San Francisco, Mona Lisa Young.
Remember the girl who told us the story about Jesus quite a while ago. Remember that name. I know some of you are on the
verge of committing suicide! Others here think you got it all together. Don't matter. Heaven and Earth are all gonna pass
away. If you wanna be alive, go look into Jesus. He'll probably give life and life more abundant. He who sets free is free and
easy. From Nashville, Tennessee, Regina McCreary. (before Are You Ready?)
Mono audience recording, 100 minutes.
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