Bob Dylan
East Berlin 1987
Treptower Festwiese, East Berlin
East Germany September 17, 1987
Quality Masters / QM - 005
Flac files extracted by cevau from audio disk.
1. When The Night Comes Falling
2. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
3. Maggie's Farm
4. Simple Twist Of Fate
5. Dead Man, Dead Man
6. Ballad Of A Thin Man
7. Shelter From The Storm
8. Highway 61 Revisited
9. I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine
10. Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35
11. I And I
12. Like A Rolling Stone
13. Blowin' In The Wind
14. In The Garden
Review (
Quality Masters has released an entire series of discs from the 1987 European tour with Tom Petty. The packages are simplistic, yet very aesthetically pleasing. Shelter From The Storm has, perhaps, the best sonic quality. All songs are performed well, and the audience is respectful. But, the overall sound is not as good as with some other venues. This is most likely explained by the combination of the date and location.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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