Here's one I found in a old folder of stuff I posted to usenet years ago. These are the original files
in shn format, I didn't want to uncompress and compress again for fear of losing a generation. These were
downloaded from an ftp.
Bob Dylan
April 27th, 1991
Miami, FL
01.New Morning
02. Lay Lady Lay
03.All Along The Watchtower
04.The Man In Me
05.Gotta Serve Somebody
06.Wiggle Wiggle
07.John Brown (acoustic w band)
08.Boots Of Spanish Leather (acoustic w band)
09.Mr. Tambourine Man (acoustic w band)
10.Bob Dylan's Dream (acoustic w band)
11.Everything Is Broken
12.Man In The Long Black Coat
13.Seeing The Real You At Last
14.Under The Red Sky
15.Like A Rolling Stone
16.Blowin' In The Wind (acoustic w band)
17.Highway 61 Revisited
SBE's fixed with TTLH and new checksum file added.