Bob Dylan 2021 11 21 Beacon Theater, NY, NY (96-24, Phideaux3)
Artist: Bob Dylan
Recording date: 2021 Nov 21
Location: Beacon Theater, NY, NY
Source: audience
Watching the River Flow
Most Likely You Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine
I Contain Multitudes
False Prophet
When I Paint My Masterpiece
Black Rider
I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
My Own Version of You
Early Roman Kings
To Be Alone With You
Key West (Philosopher Pirate)
Gotta Serve Somebody
I've Made Up My Mind to Give Myself to You
Melancholy Mood
Mother of Muses
Goodbye Jimmy Reed
talk, band intro
Every Grain of Sand
Lineage: Roland CS-10EM binaural mics -> Zoom H1 -> Audacity -> CD Wave Editor -> FLAC 1.3 -> you
This torrent is incompatible with the CD-Audio standard. The sound is in 24-bit stereo sampled at 96 kHz. Feel free to post a downsample - I’m not going to at least until I’ve got all my tapes done.
Notes, rambles, etc.:
First row Loge.
WTF is that dude saying at the start of ‘Made Up My Mind’? ‘Dirty White Boy’??? Got a response!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: