New York City, January 31, 1974 evening - 2 discs
Bob Dylan & The Band
Madison Square Garden, NYC, January 31, 1974, evening
The 1974 PA Tape Collection upgrade

Source/lineage information: PA recording, best known sources
Lossless transmission from compiler; received as SHN files

There were sector boundary errors on disc 1, which I
fixed with shntool. The SHN files included here are the
fixed files; the MD5 file corresponds to these files,
so it is not the same as the original MD5.

The MD5 files are to verify the SHN files -
these are in the folder with the songs

The SHN files have seek tables (SKT files) appended

The JPG files are artwork plus a ticket scan
There is separate artwork for each disc

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

BobDylanAndTheBand1974-01-31EveningMadisonSquareGardenNYC (1).jpg
BobDylanAndTheBand1974-01-31EveningMadisonSquareGardenNYC (2).jpg
BobDylanAndTheBand1974-01-31EveningMadisonSquareGardenNYC (3).jpg
BobDylanAndTheBand1974-01-31EveningMadisonSquareGardenNYC (4).jpg
BobDylanAndTheBand1974-01-31EveningMadisonSquareGardenNYC (5).jpg
BobDylanAndTheBand1974-01-31EveningMadisonSquareGardenNYC (6).jpg
BobDylanAndTheBand1974-01-31EveningMadisonSquareGardenNYC (7).jpg