Sacha's Hotel, Manchester UK
May 26, 1990

Audio extracted via VLC for SugarMegs stream.
Pal 4.3 Ratio
Mpeg-2 720x576,
25 fps, 7500 kb/s
62 mins

Steve Keene
Queen Jane Approximately
Leopardskin Pillbox Hat
Far Better Friend than a lover
It Takes A lot To Laugh
Dave Heath
Everything Is Broken
Shot Of Love
Daves Intro
Dingle Joke
Dave Dingle - Man Without Love
Ray Ward - Its All Over Now, Baby Blue
Derek Mankelow - Man In a Long Black Coat
Paul Watkins - AQ Hard Rains A Gonna Fall

First time I saw Bob was 1966 and I had a camera with me (stills of course)
It was the start of a long term thing for me. But I never thought back then it would get to
this level. Its been slow to develop but somehow I seem to have ended up as the custodian
of much of the video around of Bob. started with my own an then my plan to make them
available on the net. Digital preservation is easier to achieve as we all have the technology now. I don't want my hard work lost, when you lose me. But I am eternally grateful to the many I can count as friends who have passed on things to me so that I can
present and preserve their films the same way. I don't name names, often at request,

This time its different.
Many of you knew Dave Dingle and know he died earlier this year. I am pleased to say that his video archive has passed to me with the express plan of preserving things the same way as before. Everything transferred direct from master to PC to you. Pass it on we lost Dave but the videos we can preserve. I will be crediting all his stuff as "The Two Daves" much will be as good as it ever gets, and yes there will be many surprises. As well as professional film. The collection is huge this will take a long time but I have to start somewhere. We have a variety of choices with things on 8mm, Cine, hi 8, VHs-C, VHS pal and NTSC and U-Matic !! So I have gone for camera tapes first. When you film your behind the camera so its rare to get a filmer on tape. So heres a cheat to star with.
The Days of 49 Convention, Immitators Contest features our Dave as Host and he even sings a
brief song! Along with other faces some of you will know.

I knew Dave personally since 1973 at times we could be in competition but we always shared our love of Uncle Bob. I will miss him and I am proud to have known him.. We had talked about doing his stuff in the Masters Series in the past year but I did not expect To obtain it all in this fashion. So, wherever you are Dave, thanks, I'll do my best to keep
it all alive.

Remember even if you have some of the Daves films already that at best your copies will be 2 generations poorer than anything in the Masters series, so get em all. These will be with original sound though many will feature as sound upgrades with my two mates Yassou and Madhasse helpinng out.

so courtesy of The Two Daves
