The Wailers
Boston Music Hall, Boston, MA (late show)
lineage:AUD>Cass(x)>CDR)x)>Flac 6 (asb)
sound:A-/ B+
set list with shntool results:
disc 1
4:42.44 Track01-rastaman chant.flac
6:14.21 Track02-lion of judah.flac
5:38.63 Track03-burnin' and lootin'.flac
4:46.60 Track04-them belly full.flac
6:54.12 Track05-rebel music.flac
4:52.65 Track06-i shot the sheriff.flac
5:46.26 Track07-no woman no cry.flac
5:06.13 Track08-roots rock reggae.flac
7:58.46 Track09-kinky reggae.flac
8:14.35 Track10-lively up yourself.flac
5:03.71 Track11-positive vibration.flac
3:31.12 Track12-encore.flac
disc 2
Track01-want more.flac
10:11.50 Track02-get up stand up.flac
You can move the last track on disc 1 to disc 2 if you like...I got it this way
so it stayed....great show great sound...enjoy Bob's b-day weekend of seeds..
seeded by:Chunga1 (tim jones)