Bonnie Raitt
State Theater, New Brunswick NJ
Souls Alike Tour
November 28, 2005
csb's> sony M1 > audiphile FW> CD Wav > Audacity> flac frontend level 8, align on sector boundaries
Disc 1
1. intro
2. Love On One Condition
3. God Was In The Water
4. I Will Not Be Broken
5. I Believe I'm In Love With You
6. Matters of the Heart
7. Crooked Crown
8. intro to Nick of Time
9. Nick of Time
10. Luck of the Draw
11. Papa Come Quick (Jody and Chico)
12. Women Be Wise
13. Thing Called Love
14. Trinkets
15. Something To Talk About
16. Love Sneakin' Up On You
Disc 2
1. The Bed I Made
2. I Can't Make You Love Me
3. Love Letter
4. I'm a Road Runner
5. Bad Case of Loving You