Brainiac 5 with Mark & The Clouds - The Fiddlers Elbow, Kentish Town,London UK � 5th December 2014

Set 1
Mark And the Clouds
sorry I don't know the names of the 6 tracks

Set 2
Brainiac 5
(missied the start - 1. Your Body�s Alright> My Time 2. Jam

Track List
1. World Inside
2 Tangable
3. Night Games
4. Kill It > Space Is The Place
5. Vegetable >Jam >Primal Screaming >Rock & Roll Pt 2 > Primal Screaming
6. I'm The Glue

Brainiac 5 are: Charles Taylor - Guitar and Vocals
Woody � Bass
Duncan Kerr � Lead Guitar and Vocals
Wayne Worrell � Drums & backing vocals

Recorded using Olympus LS12
Edited and track splits with Wave Repair and Flac files created with Traders Little Helper