Brainiac 5 & Nigel Burch Flea Pit Orchestra
- Betsey Trotwwod,London UK � 13th March 2015

Set 1
Nigel Burch Flea Pit Orchestra

sorry I don't know the track titles

Set 2
Brainiac 5

Track List
1. Your Body's Alright>Growing Up
2. World Inside
3. Some Things>Tangible
4. Laura Riding
5. Kill It > Space Is The Place
6. Vegetable>Primal Screaming

Brainiac 5: Charles Taylor - Guitar and Vocals
Woody � Bass
Duncan Kerr � Lead Guitar and Vocals
Wayne Worrell � Drums & backing vocals

Guest: Joe Malone - Percussion

Recorded using Olympus LS12
Edited and track splits with Wave Repair and Flac files created with Traders Little Helper

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:
