Branford Marsalis Quartet
McCain Auditorium - Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS
Source: Church Audio CA-11 omnis > CA-9000 > Edirol R-09 @24/48
Location: front-row, slightly ROC (Orchestra Pit row AA seat 16) / mics collar mounted
Transfer: SD card > pc > dithered/resampled to 16/44.1 w/ r8brain > CDWave > Audacity (fades) > Flac level 6
Taped and Transferred by: Jeremy Lykins (jeremylykins hotmail com)
01. intro
02. The Mighty Sword
03. Maestra
04. Teo (Thelonious Monk)
05. band intros / stage banter
06. The Ruby and the Pearl
07. ?
08. ?
09. crowd noise
10. bass solo >
11. Minnie The Moocher
notes: You can hear the band members talking to each other during the show, and during bass solos you can hear the bass player singing to himself.
Possible clipping.
In the past when I've taped at this venue I sat in the front row of the balcony, but this venue can lower the ceiling to close off the balcony and they did that for this show, so I decided to buy a front-row ticket. Unfortunately I was right in front of the drums so they're quite a bit louder than the rest of the group, and when the drummer really gets going the recording has quick bursts of clipping. It doesn't sound bad on my computer or in my car, but I thought that I should mention it in case it sounds bad on your listening device.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: