Broeder Dieleman
Paradiso (Kleine Zaal)
The Netherlands
25th November 2014 (2014-11-25)
Type: Audience master, recorded 4 metres from the suspended left-hand side PA.
Source: Factory-matched pair of Schoeps CCM 41V microphones (DINa mounted) ->
Marantz PMD661 recorder with Oade Concert Mod
(-18 dB gain/44.1 kHz/24 bit WAV)
Lineage: Audacity 2.0.6
* Amplified track 1 by 9 dB.
* Applied variable envelope amplification across recording for
consistent listening experience.
* Applied Click Removal effect to attenuate applause
(Threshold 200/Max Spike Width 40 to sections with no music)
* Added fades.
* Split tracks.
* Converted to 16 bit.
-> FLAC (compression level 8) [libFLAC 1.3.0 20130526]
Taper: Ian Macdonald (ianmacd)
01. [02:03] Meilied
02. [03:42] Gloria
03. [00:43] [banter]
04. [05:21] Leger van de Heer
05. [06:32] Klein zieltje
06. [04:58] Genade genoeg
07. [04:17] [banter]
08. [02:35] Kauwtje
09. [05:38] Aalscholvers
10. [00:37] [banter]
11. [05:55] Adriana
12. [04:10] De nieuwe zeven jaar
13. [00:55] [banter]
14. [03:43] Engel des doods
15. [00:57] [banter]
16. [03:45] Voor Janna en Lieve
17. [01:32] [banter]
18. [04:40] Zilverspa
Total running time: 62:12
It's my second time seeing broeder Dieleman.
This time, he's doing the rounds in support of his recently released second
album, 'Gloria'; and what a great follow-up it is.
It's a source of constant annoyance to me that you can be from a rural
province of the Netherlands, sing in your local dialect such that even Dutch
speakers from elsewhere in the country need to concentrate to understand the
lyrics, and yet lazy hacks the world over still see fit to brand your music
Let's be clear. Any resemblance to the derivative, homogenised pulp that makes
up the gross of that catch-all genre is a passing one at best. This music
comes from the soul of Zeeland and makes no attempt to hitch a lift on
anyone's bandwagon; nor should it have its wings clipped by being pigeonholed
with an ill-fitting label.
Check out this video of the song 'Adriana', which is about a farmer from
Grijpskerke who is forced by circumstance to give up his way of life:
In the words of Dieleman's record label, Snowstar:
"The makers of the video follow him around his land while he is saying
goodbye to all the belongings of his former life. He sold all his cows
earlier this year and in the video you see him burn all the last straw from
his stable."
Dieleman's music is a perfect match for the video. It's melancholic and
atmospheric, but above all real. This is no calculated attempt to evoke a
particular mood. Dieleman simply sings about what he knows: daily life in
Yet the mood in the room is anything but melancholic. In spite of the many
moments of goose pimples provoked by the music, the banter is jovial and the
atmosphere 'gezellig'.
Dieleman breaks a string during 'Klein zieltje', the first time he has ever
done so in front of a crowd, according to him, and he struggles to tune his
guitar afterwards, eventually seconding help from backing vocalist Janine van
Osta. Even then, it's evident that his guitar is still out of tune.
The broken string notwithstanding, it's a superb performance, steeped in
atmosphere from start to finish.
The new songs make more use of the piano, and this adds a new dimension to the
sound. The overall impression is now that of a band, not a solo musician
surrounded by hired hands. Accordingly, Tonnie introduces his company of
friends this time by asserting that "We are broeder Dieleman".
Dieleman is something of a gem on the barren Dutch musical landscape, a
terrain as bleak as the imagery of his songs. It's an ongoing mystery why a
country of some sixteen million inhabitants can't produce more artists of his
This is lo-fi music at its best. Dieleman's latest album was recorded in his
living-room, probably on cheaper equipment than I used to record this concert.
As such, this recording makes a terrific companion for that album. The quality
is outstanding and captures the full atmosphere of the show.
As always, samples are included to help you determine whether the recording is
worth your while.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: