Brother Brothers 2019-04-27
Traditional Stage Merlefest
Wilkesboro NC
0 Traditional stage intro
1 intro
2 Tugboats
3 talk
4 Bird In a Tree
5 talk
6 Red and Gold
7 talk
8 Ocean's Daughter
9 talk
10 Banjo Song
11 tuning, talk
12 In the Nighttime
13 talk
14 Blow Your Whistle Freight Train
15 talk
16 Cairo, IL
17 talk, tuning
18 Angel Island
19 talk
20 Frankie
21 outro
SP-CMC-8 (cardioid) > Tascam DR-100mkIII @ 24/44.1 > Sound Studio (tracking and 16 bit save) > xACT (fix SBE and flac conversion)
Compressed 15X above -6 dB with 6 dB post gain. Applause suppressed.
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