The Brothers Comatose
Shakori Hills GrassRoots Festival Of Music And Dance
Pittsboro NC
2021-10-08 Friday
71'F 100%RH
Source: (1) LSD2 > Edirol OCM R-44
(2) SBD > Edirol OCM R-44
Transfer: Audacity > Izotope RX 8 > Izotope Ozone 9 > CD Wave > TLH
Sound Engineers : Ed Griffin, Charles "Chaz Hands" Jones
Recorded and matrixed by capnhook
d1t01 Angeline > Knoxville Foxhole
d1t02 -tuning-
d1t03 Pie For Breakfast
d1t04 Trippin' On Down
d1t05 120 East
d1t06 Brothers
d1t07 The Way The West Was Won
d1t08 Soft And Blue
d1t09 -tuning-
d1t10 City Painted Gold
d1t11 The Ballad Of Tommy Decker - The Prince Of Haight St
d1t12 -banter-
d1t13 Strangers #
d1t14 -tuning-
d1t15 Instrumental > Big Moustache
d1t16 -banter-
d1t17 Sugar Please
d1t18 Too Many Places
d1t19 Tops Of The Trees > Ride It My Pony > Tops Of The Trees
d1t20 Gone Gone Gone
d2t01 Steel Driver
d2t02 Valerie
d2t03 The Scout
d2t04 -Happy Birtyday Grady-
d2t05 Y'all Come
d2t06 -outtro-
Never For Sale.
Please support artists that allow taping by buying merchandise & attending shows.
# - Kinks cover
Ben Morrison - Vocals & Guitar
Alex Morrison - Vocals & Banjo
Philip Brezina - Fiddle
Alex Morrison - Vocals & Banjo
Steve Haight - Bass
Greg Fleischut - Mandolin
Photos courtesy of
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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