Excellent solo performance; enjoy. Thanks and appreciation are owed the recordist, of whose name I am unaware, for the source recording. The torrent has applause in balance, many talk and some music levels raised, and hoots, etc. removed or reduced. It is a fresh transfer from my copy and therefore will differ from previous versions of this performance, if any.

Fualts: Frequent hoots and audience chatter; all rather annoying.

Tinley Park, IL -- World Music Theatre
1992-07-16-- 48:30

01. -applause-
02. Soul of a Man
03. Incandescent Blue
04. -talk-
05. Train in the Rain
06. -tuning-
07. Creation Dream
08. -talk-
09. Great Big Love
10. -talk, tuning-
11. Stolen Land
12. -talk, tuning-
13. If I Had a Rocket Launcher
14. -tuning-
15. If a Tree Falls
16. -talk-
17. Waiting for a Miracle

note: t05: instrumental, end cut

songwriter: Bruce Cockburn, except
t02: by Blind Willie Johnson
t11: with Hugh Marsh

Bruce Cockburn - vocals, electric guitar, chimes

No artwork.

Source: cassette master > my low gen copy
Transferred by stevemtl: cassette > Nakamichi Dragon > lucid AD9624 (mod)(>wav: 16bit/48khz) > Roland R44 > SD chip > my fingers > slot on computer > HD
Mastered by stevemtl: HD > Sound Forge (L2 dither > 24/48: edit, L2 applause, music, and talk level adjust, fades) > r8brain (vhq downsample > 24/44.1) > Sound Forge (L2 dither > 16/44.1) > CDwave (track cut) > TLH (flac level 8, ffp, md5) > TLH (torrent marker)
Circulated by stevemtl: torrent marker uploaded to DIME on 2022-03-12.

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Please pass on in a lossless format only; reserve mp3 and other degrades for your own use exclusively.
Do not sell this recording or profit in any other material way from it.