Bruce Cockburn
Tunes for Humans
Vol. 2-Instrumental Tunes
To celebrate Bruce becoming a father, at 66, for the second time, I thought I'd put together a little Cockburn collection to wish him well. I discovered Bruce in 1980, some 12 years after he'd already beome fairly well-known (at least in Canada). But his music has been with me ever since. I've tried to include tunes, and performances, from across the spectrum of his stunning career. If I've missed anything it's only because his catalogue is so rich and voluminous.
Deep Lake, Guelph, 2003-12-04
Deer Dancing Round a Broken Mirror, Toronto, 1981-xx-xx
Untitled Instrumental #1, Boston, 1980-05-11
Nuages, Toronto, 1981-xx-xx
Cader Idris, Hastings Lake, 1979-08-31
Lois on the Autobahn, Banff, 2011-04-05
Untitled Instrumental #2, Toronto, 1981-xx-xx
Red Ships Take off in the Distance, Toronto, 1980-03-15
Ancestors, San Francisco, 2011-06-01
Down to the Delta, Chiari, 1999-11-xx
Mistress of Storms, Bayfield, 1996-08-21
Nude Descending a Staircase, Victoria, 2006-11-04
The End of All Rivers, Manchester, 2007-01-29
Lineage: All recordings obtained from various torrent sites (DIME, TTD) FLAC > WAV > CD-R > FLAC (8) > DIME
Notes on Sound Quality: All Audience Recordings except as noted, the SQ is Excellent to Excellent+ throughout except*
*SQ is Fair to good
Convert to lossy for personal use only
Please support this artist-purchase official recordings, attend live performances regularly, and visit the websites:
"The thumb drone or an alternating bass. You sort of have one or the other and Mississippi John Hurt was a great source of direction, I guess would be the way to put it, because of the beautiful and simple way he used to put the melody over the alternating bass. I mean he just played the melody of the song, and that was like no body else I had heard, it wasn't just licks, it was the actual melody. That sort of opened up a whole new thing and because of my interest in Jazz and other types of music that all got added in so when you take that same sort of right hand technique and apply it to a more complex musical approach you end up with something like what I do." (
A word about compilations: I put these performances together for my personal listening pleasure, and share them for the same reason. I urge you to seek out the original performances. Thank you so much to the tapers and uploaders and all who share this great music (what we do here at DIME is a rare and precious thing). And, of course, thanks, Bruce.
Tunes for Humans, Vol. 1-Band Tunes
Tunes for Humans, Vol. 2-Instrumental Tunes
Tunes for Humans, Vol. 3-Solo Tunes
Tunes for Humans, Vol. 4-Travel Tunes
February 2012