Title: Bloomington Starts Treatin' Us Good
Label: N/A
Catalog #: N/A
Format: 2 Cdr
Source: Audience Tape
Bruce Base: http://www.brucebase.org.uk/gig1978.htm#15
Story Teller: N/A
Total Time: 1 hour 27 minutes 18 seconds
Date: 10th June 1978
Location: Met Center, Bloomington, MN
Transfer/Trade and Generation Info: Cdr Trade -> Eac (Secure) -> Flac (Level 8, Align on SB, Verify)
Disc 1: (44:16)
101 Badlands (4:31)
102 Night (2:55)
103 Spirit in the Night (6:31)
104 Darkness on the Edge of Town (4:38)
105 For You (5:21)
106 The Promised Land (5:35)
107 Prove It All Night (7:23)
108 Racing in the Street (7:22)
Disc 2: (43:02)
201 Thunder Road (4:51)
202 Fire (2:31)
203 Adam Raised a Cain (5:26)
204 Growin' Up (7:39)
205 Backstreets (11:43)
206 Rosalita (10:52)
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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