Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
Title: For You And The Big Man
'Label': Earlmv
Format: 3 cdr
Source: Audience - Morten's master recording
Storyteller: N/A
Date: 28th JUly 2012
Location: Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden
lineage: Pocketrak W24 digital recorder -> flac
taper: mortenkofoed
Recorded: seeting area on the right side of the stage, row nine on the upper level
Trade and Generation info: Morten's master as one flac file
coverted to .wav with DB Poweramp ->
edited with Magix Audio Cleaning Lab 16 ->
Traders Little Helper ->
.flac (level 8, align on sector boundaries, verify)
01 The Magnificent Seven Theme
02 Who'll Stop the Rain
03 The Ties That Bind
04 Out in the Street
05 Downbound Train
06 I'm Goin' Down
07 My Lucky Day
08 Intro
09 Lost in the Flood
10 We Take Care of Our Own
11 Wrecking Ball
12 Death to My Hometown
13 My City of Ruins
14 Intro
15 It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City
01 Intro
02 Frankie
03 The River
04 Because the Night
05 Lonesome Day
06 Hungry Heart
07 Shackled and Drawn
08 Waitin' on a Sunny Day
09 Where the Bands Are
10 Backstreets
11 Badlands
12 Land of Hope and Dreams
01 Thunder Road
02 Born in the U.S.A.
03 Born to Run
04 Ramrod
05 Dancing in the Dark
06 Tenth Avenue Freeze-out
07 'This Is For You And The Big Man'
08 Jungleland
09 'Thanks'
10 Twist and Shout
A very energetic crowd clapping along on most songs. The sound on Ties That Bind and
Born In The USA fluctuates as the recorder was still being adjusted.
In some spots you'll hear seat noise, if the people stand up and sit down, but nothing
too major. For the most part the sound is clean.
Many thanks to Morten for his work!
Balanced the whole show as well as I could; Equed the entire show giving it more presence.
I hope you like the result.
Images for this show: