1981-07-11 Big Man's West

Label: None
Catalog #: None
Source: Audience
Total Time: 25 minutes 46 seconds
Date: 11th July 1981
Location: Big Man's West, Red Bank, New Jersey

Eac (Secure) -> Flac -> ABMS Flac download.

01 Ramrod (5:30)
02 Around And Around (4:00)
03 Summertime Blues (3:04)
04 Jole Blon (5:58)
05 You Can't Sit Down (2:55)
06 Cadillac Ranch (4:19)

Audience tape - Bruce joins Clarence on stage on the opening night of his new nightclub.

Taken from what seems to be a different source than what was posted previously. It's a big upgrade, but don't expect too much.
Sounds pretty low gen. I managed to clear it up quite a bit, but this is the original untouched recording. Beautiful version of Jole Blon.
