Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
Sports Arena
Toledo, Ohio
June 5, 1978 (Monday)
(JEMS Master)
Taping Location: Section B, Row 21, Seat 33
Taping Gear: Teac M-100 > Sony TC-153SD (Dolby B on, mono)
Lineage: Master Cassettes > Nakamichi 670zx > Wavelab 24/96 capture > .wav > Peak Pro XT (volume smoothing / editing / subtle tweak) > xACT 2.21 > FLAC
Taped & Transferred by JEMS
Final prep & posting by mjk5510 (June 2104)
101 Badlands
102 Night
103 Spirit In The Night
104 Something In The Night
105 For You
106 The Promised Land
107 Prove It All Night
108 Racing In The Street
109 Thunder Road
201 Backstreets
202 Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
203 Born To Run
204 Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
205 Quarter To Three
Known Issues:
-Badlands: In Progress
-Night: Splice
-Backstreets: In Progress
-Incomplete missing several songs at the start of set two
Two weeks and ten shows into the 'Darkness On The Edge Of Town' Tour Bruce and band roll into the long demolished 6,500 seat Sports Arena in Toledo, Ohio and J from JEMS is there
to capture the proceedings.
The LP had been out for 3 days at this point and according to the newspaper review at the time the show still suffered from some of the same mic failures and poor acoustics many of the early shows
in the tour were plagued with (the acoustic issues would not be a surprise from, at the time, a 30 year old building).
The tapes we have are incomplete due to one of those "it happens more times than you think" issues among us old school tapers, as "J" puts it "the classic pause button accidentally put on, the deck was on
the ground and we were standing on our chairs with a long mic cord. I didn't notice the problem until it was time to flip the tape" (you can hear "J"'s comment after 'Backstreets').
The portion that was captured is a solid documentation of an early 'Darkness' show.
The 9 song first set is captured complete, following the pattern of earlier stops we are likely missing 5 (or 6) songs of the second set and we pick up again halfway through 'Backstreets'.
The tape is a fine capture for the era, slightly muddy at the very start as the crowd stands and works to settle in for the long show, quality improves and is very good to excellent by 'Spirit In The Night'.
This is the first release directly from the master tapes, thanks to Butterking from JEMS for getting the transfer into my hands for release and a big thanks to J for being there that night
to capture it.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: