Bruce Springsteen - 1978-12-15, Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, CA US - FM Remaster/Upgrade - Prodigal Son At Winterland CDR - SHN - Reseed
Ghost from Christmas Past last seen on DIME in 2011.
- Known Lineage (for this seed) : BigO Worldwide (SHN files in same form as found)
[This set is the widespread original .SHN set (as posted on ABMS and originally seeded at DIME)]
*** Contrast Clause *** Differs from torrent currently seeding
"Bruce Springsteen - Winterland Night - December 15, 1978 - flac"
"Prodigal Son At Winterland" is considered to be an upgrade, indeed the definitive version, by Stone Pony London forums and by Bruce Base (review provided below).
(SPL forums voted PSAW onto their "Must-have Bootleg List - Darkness tour.")
Original Text:
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
Prodigal Son At Winterland - The 25th Anniversary Remaster
San Francisco, California
December 15th, 1978
Source: FM, Remastered
Total Time: 187:29
Disc One (73:16)
01. Badlands (5:34)
02. Streets Of Fire (5:29)
03. Spirit In The Night (7:44)
04. Darkness On The Edge Of Town (5:46)
05. Factory (3:55)
06. The Promised Land (6:10)
07. Prove It All Night (12:39)
08. Racing in the Street (9:53)
09. Thunder Road (6:02)
10. Jungleland (10:03)
Disc Two (68:14)
01. The Ties That Bind (4:33)
02. Santa Story (3:46)
03. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (4:14)
04. The Fever (8:29)
05. Fire (3:09)
06. Candy's Room (3:12)
07. Because The Night (7:37)
08. Point Blank (8:37)
09. Mona / Preacher's Daughter (3:51)
10. She's The One (8:54)
11. Backstreets (11:52)
Disc Three (45:59)
01. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) (10:50)
02. Born To Run (4:50)
03. Detroit Medley (9:22)
04. 10th Avenue Freeze-Out (6:29)
05. Raise Your Hand (5:32)
06. Quarter To Three (8:56)
ABMS post by Pete
Crystal Cat's "Winterland Night" is the source for the majority of tracks,
other than The Promised Land (runs fast), Thunder Road (hiss, runs fast) and
Jungleland (hiss, runs fast) which are taken from Great Dane's "Live In The
Promised Land".
Remaster effects are primarily EQ and compression. The result is more of a
"live" feeling, with much improved instrument balance, the drums were
previously far too high in the mix. Each song was painstakingly remastered,
with more than ten takes for every track.
I hope you enjoy the set, and thanks to Prodigal Son for all his efforts.
This is Prodigal Son's fourth release, following on from "Prodigal Son In
The City Of Angels" (LA 23/10/99), "Prodigal Son At The Main Point" (Bryn
Mawr 5/2/75) and "Prodigal Son In The Ice Palace" (Tampa 24/11/02).
End Of Original Notes
FM Broadcast (KSAN radio) and soundboard tapes - this is a master reel recording and includes three tracks not broadcast. What can you say! The versions of "The Promised Land" and "Prove It All Night" are exceptional and "Backstreets" is better than that. Probably the most famous show Bruce will ever do. It should be noted that the source tape appears to run slightly slow. Released on CD 'Live At Winterland' (Golden Stars), 'Live In The Promised Land' (Great Dane Records), 'Winterland Night' (Crystal Cat) and most recently (and in best quality) on CDR 'Prodigal Son at Winterland - 25th Anniversary Remaster'
(Prodigal Son). This is a remaster of 'Winterland Night'. This show (and potentially the next night) may have been filmed on the Winterland's in-house video system. However, no concrete evidence has ever emerged that indicate this is the case. Certainly there is plenty of video of other artists from around the same time, but the most likely scenario is that any film was lost in a fire at Bill Graham's San Francisco warehouse offices in 1985. It's possible that a copy may still reside in Springsteen's vaults. A review of the show by Joel Selvin was printed in the San Francisco Chronicle - click the above link to read it.
Current thinking that "Quarter To Three" (previously thought to be from this show) which is included on just about every release of this show is from another soundboard yet to be identified. It is not from the following nights performance as the audience tape does not match. The identity of the final song has been the topic of heated debate over the years, one fan present says "It looked like the show was over. The band was gone. But no one else would leave. The place - I guess about 5000 in festival seating, actually standing - was just roaring, going nuts. Bruuuuce, on and on. Finally he came back alone, and the band finally trickled out and Bruce said, "We're off the radio now, but I'll do one more for you guys. This is the first song I ever learned to play on the guitar," and then "Twist and Shout". A great version, too. He was standing on speakers ten feet off the floor. I was there and I'd stake my life on it." Thanks to John H for the info. However, others are just as insistent that the final song was "Quarter To Three", and other concerts around this time all have "Quarter To Three" as the final song, which supports this view. There is an interview with photographer P.J. Plutzer in Backstreets magazine #49 (Spring 1995), and he clearly states that "Quarter To Three" was the final encore. Plutzer shot some 40 shows between 1975-84 including both Winterland gigs. Thanks to HazyDavy for bringing this to our attention. Given the evidence, Brucebase suggests that the final song is far more likely to be "Quarter To Three". The possibility remains that the "Quarter To Three" on "Winterland Night" is actually from this show, but taken from an alternative, unbooted, source. Finally, it is feasible that both "Twist And Shout" and "Quarter To Three" were played, as in Seattle five days later. There are no known other source tapes for the final song as far as we know.
Artwork and Storyteller Transcript (c/o Brucebase) incl
2013-12-19, mikedreams on...tonight in DIMEADOZEN LAND
2013-12-17: The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame announced that Springsteen's backup group The E Street Band has been chosen to receive the Award for Musical Excellence. The band will be inducted to the hall in 2014. Springsteen himself was inducted in 1999.
(And now The Daily Bleed Online Calendar in coagulation with nice dreams presents)
1910 -- Legendary talent scout John Hammond II is born, New York City. In 1972, Hammond auditioned Springsteen and then helped him get signed to Columbia Records.
1968 -- Grace Slick, performing with the Jefferson Airplane on the "Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour," appears in blackface & raises a black-leather glove in the black power salute at the conclusion of "Crown of Creation." The incident is one of several which leads to the TV show's cancellation the following season.
1971 -- Hill Auditorium, Ann Arbur, MI, second of two shows in two nights of tour showcasing new band member on keyboards, Keith Godchaux: The Grateful Dead (w/ New Riders of the Purple Sage)
1978 -- Friday night, first of two shows in two nights of Springsteen in Winterland.
Per Brucebase, there are 111 shows in The 1978 Tour, aka The Darkness On The Edge Of Town Tour. After tonight there are only eight more shows in total darkness.
Per wiki, the Darkness Tour has since become viewed as perhaps Springsteen's best in a storied career of concert performances. Biographer Dave Marsh wrote in 1987, "The screaming intensity of those '78 shows are part of rock and roll legend in the same way as Dylan's 1966 shows with the Band, the Rolling Stones' tours of 1969 and 1972, and the Who's Tommy tour of 1969: benchmarks of an era."
Personal thanks goes out to this show "through the magic of bootlegging," for booting me in the pants through the past 35 years of tears, for keeping me and my leg up!
- "How's The Hills?"
- "Tonight I'll be on that hill cause I can't stop/ I'll be on that hill with everything I got."
15.12.78 San Francisco, CA, intro to �Spirit in the Night�
��What�s new ?'s the hills ?....this is for all the drunks !....�
15.12.78 San Francisco, CA, intro to �Darkness on the Edge of Town�
��Alright!....that's everybody comfortable ? (cheers) guys are too much....I read a book about....a few months ago, was a book called �Born on the Fourth of July� and it
was by, by a man named Ron Kovic....and, uh, I loved the book a whole lot.....and we'll do this for�s �Darkness on the Edge of Town�....�
15.12.78 San Francisco, CA, intro to �Factory�
��My Pop's listening to me on the radio, so this is for bedroom used to be.... used to back out, back over the backyard and.....I always remember in the morning I used to hear my
father out back underneath the hood of the car trying to get it started so he could go to work.....and I remember at night sitting in the dark.....this is for him.....�
15.12.78 San Francisco, CA, intro to �Prove It All Night�
��I remember when I was a kid.....I used to think....that if I was ok, everybody else would be too.....and that �long as when I went to bed and I said my prayers that everything�d be all right
.....but you find gotta prove it all night, every night....�
15.12.78 San Francisco, CA, intro to �Racing in the Street�
��Alright, back, two, can we get this up a little bit, Bobby ?....oh....back home there's, uh (someone yells out a request) we gonna get to that one later, ok ? (chuckles)....that's
a surprise, ok ? (chuckles) back home there's this, there this like, uh, these two streets, Kingsley Avenue and Ocean Avenue (cheers) you couldn't ever have been there (chuckles) and it's like
..... and they form this big oval, on Friday and Saturday the summertime, they burn up about half the gas in the United States, I guess....but this is for everybody back home on
Sixth Avenue in Asbury Park ....who, I'm sure, will hear this someday through the magic of bootlegging, alright ! (chuckles)�s �Racing In The Street�....�
15.12.78 San Francisco, CA, intro to �The Ties That Bind�
��Alright....I'm a-here ! (chuckles)....we got a lot of people listening in tonight up in Seattle, Portland, Sacramento, (?) everybody say hello, alright (crowd : �Hello!�) alright,
this is for all those guys, this is a new song; it's called �The Ties That Bind�....�
15.12.78 San Francisco, CA, intro to �Santa Claus Is Coming to Town�
��I got to tell you this was about, it was 1970 and me and Steve were working in this bar in Asbury Park called The Student Prince....and we were like....we were making no dough, you
know, and doing nothing, just sitting around, waiting to be discovered or something....but nobody can discover you in Asbury Park, you know (chuckles)....gotta get on the Turnpike, at least
(chuckles)....anyway, bring it down a little bit, anyway, we were sitting there one night....matter of fact, it was right around this time of year, wasn't it, Steve ?....and you was a
night, I think , I think it was just like tonight....except it was about 15 degrees was was 3 o'clock in the morning.....and we're sitting there at this table,
everybody's gone home, rest of the band's all gone home.....and we're saying �Man, what are we gonna do ? here it is� (someone yells out) �We already did that (chuckles) it's like, it�s like,
here it is, this is Christmastime�....I say �I ain't got no buy no ain't got no money to buy no presents, how you gonna buy me a present ?� we made a deal, I
wouldn't buy him nothing if he didn't buy me we were feeling really down, you know, going �some Christmas� you ever hear people say that ? (crowd : �Some Christmas�)..... we start to walk home down along the it's snowin' like crazy out, right.....he's carrying the guitars, and somehow I got stuck carrying the amps....I don't know how,
I'm supposed to be the Boss, I got stuck carrying the anyway....we were walking down the boardwalk, I got the amps.....shit, goddamn (chuckles)....he's got the guitars.....and we're
going on , we're going �Man, I've had it with this Santa Claus stuff, that's a bunch of junk, I don't believe in that stuff, you know, what are we gonna do? gonna go home and watch the �Late show�,
it's Christmas Eve.....gonna into bed by myself, pull the covers up, everybody else is having a good, I ain�t got no, I didn't even get a Christmas tree, did you get one ?� anyway, we�re
feeling real down about it, then, all of a sudden, it was funny.....we seen this light.....shooting around the moon.....shifting into fourth scooting down towards the boardwalk....and all of a
sudden....there he was.... Steve, look....�
15.12.78 San Francisco, CA, intro to �The Fever�
��Merry Christmas, happy holidays, happy New Year, best everything.....alright, somebody requested this one.....this song , we never recorded this....this is a song that Southside recorded, it was,
I guess, on some bootlegs and stuff, it's called �Fever�.....�
15.12.78 San Francisco, CA, intro to �Point Blank�
��This is, think everything's all right and you wake up.....and find out you�ve been shot point blank.....�
15.12.78 San Francisco, CA, middle of �Backstreets�
��Hello's good to see you back again ....honey you're still looking's been such a long, long time....but baby I remember I remember you.....and I know you
remember me too....and I know you remember....(?) checking outside of town....on the summer nights and you remember....that stripped-down Cadillac....the one you used to take me riding in back
.....yeah, the one you used to take me riding in back.....and I know you remember....oh going down and down and down on the inside ....slipping down and down and down to the inside.....slipping
down and down and
down to the inside.....slipping down and away and I know you remember on the outside, you were crying in the street.....on the inside, slipping down and down and down.....on the outside, the cops
on the corner.....on the inside, slipping down and down and down.....and I remember I swore.....a long, long time ago....I swore that for you.....I�d drive all night, anytime, anyplace....I'd
drive all night.....just to buy you some shoes.....just to buy you a Christmas present.....just to check you out.....just to see how you�re doing just to.....just for one.....sweet kiss.....just
for one.....just to hear you say that you love me.....and I remember that you promised that you'd never leave without me.....I remember way back then, you promised you'd never leave without me
....I remember way back then, you promised.....and like everything else from those days, you promised....and you lied....didn�t you ? you lied.....little girl, you lied....little girl, you lied
....I see now you�ve come back and I wanna know why.....I wanna know why.....I wanna know why.....I wanna know why....and I wanna know just what makes you think.....I mean just what makes you
think it's so easy.....I mean just what makes you think.....just what makes you think it's so easy stop....stop, stop, stop, stop....stop....
stop......STOP !....�
15.12.78 San Francisco, CA, intro to ��Rosalita�
��This next the saddest song we�re gonna play all night....matter of fact, we don�t usually even play this song any more because I can�t get through it without crying wanna know
why ?....well, I�ll tell you why...I wasn�t always this useless empty shell of a man you see in front of you....I was in love once....I had a girlfriend.... we ran away from her mother and father
and we came to California .... and then she ran away from ever since that day I�ve been looking, I�ve been searching ....I�ve been on a nationwide hunt disguised as a rock and roll tour see, and don�t tell nobody this, alright ? see, I�m not really, I don�t really play this guitar, see, what I really am is I�m a private detective ....and I�ve been looking, I�ve
been searching.... and so if you�re here tonight....Rosie....come back !�
15.12.78 San Francisco, CA, intro to �Detroit Medley�
��This is for everybody up in Seattle and Portland, we're gonna be going up there and see them in a few days and for you guys, get your dancing shoes on.....
(....) Oh, wait a minute....bring it down....excuse me....I just talked, bring it down, we gotta make an emergency announcement, I just, uh....talked to the hall manager and he wanted me to
announce that if there's anybody, if there's anybody in the house tonight, that has a weak stomach or a weak heart, could you please, during the next section of this song, step out into the lobby
as it might be dangerous to your health....see, it ain't so bad....when me and the Big Man do this.....and it ain't so bad when me and the Big Man do this....and you could even get off with light
injuries and a short trip to the emergency room.....when we do I bet all them guys on the radio are wondering what we're doing (long cheers) I didn't do it yet !.....when I do this,
you're in trouble....are you ready ?....are you ready ?....are you ready ?....are you ready ?.... ready ? ready ? yeah !.....�
15.12.78 San Francisco, CA, middle of �Raise Your Hand�
��I wanna tell everybody who�s listening at home.....I want you to get up, I want you to turn up the radio as loud as it'll go....I want you to open up all the windows in Sacramento and Eugene
and Seattle and Portland and San Francisco., if you're driving your car, roll down the window, when you get to the light, jump, jump out, dance around in the street, get back in, hit your head on
the steering wheel, and drive on.... and if the cops come knocking at your door, send all your complaints to Bill Graham care of Winterland, San Francisco, and tell 'em, if there's something they
need, if there's something they want... they got to raise their hands !.....�
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttij�rvi @ brucebase
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
BruceSpringsteenAndTheEStreetBand1978-12-15WinterlandBallroomSanFranciscoCA (8).jpg
BruceSpringsteenAndTheEStreetBand1978-12-15WinterlandBallroomSanFranciscoCA (9).jpg