Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
Sportpaleis Ahoy
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
April 28, 1981
(Complete Recorder 2 Source with Recorder 1 patches)
Transferred and upped by mjk5510 (March 2013)
Recorder 2
Transfer: 1980's tape trade > Nakamichi CR5A (azimuth adjusted) > MacBook Pro > Audacity > Peak Pro XT (indexing/patch/pitch correct/subtle tweak) > xACT > FLAC
Recorder 1 Source 1
"Bruce Springsteen & His Disciples Live In Ahoy '81" 1LP
Transfer: "Bruce Springsteen & His Disciples Live In Ahoy '81" 1LP > Pioneer TT > MacBook Pro > Audacity > Peak Pro XT (indexing/pitch correct/de-click) > xACT > FLAC
Recorder 1 Source 2
River Flood version
First off, I must thank "hrubresh" and "cre001" for their assistance and prompt sharing of missing parts I needed from the Recorder 1 River Flood source to make this show for the first time 100% complete missing no music. Without their quick responses to my needs form a completely different time zone this would not have been possible to share with everyone here!
Their assistance is, as always, invaluable!
This has always been one of my favorite Euro River shows due to the Stolen Car/Wreck On The Highway/Point Blank triple shot!
I started working on this a few weeks ago after discovering my audience tape was a different recorder than the 1LP bootleg "Live In Ahoy '81".
I've never heard the River Flood version complete, which I'm calling Recorder 1, but once I realized it was a different recorder and had a number of cuts I thought this show might be a prime candidate for making complete from a new source stored in the tape archives for the last 30 years of so.
So what we have here is the complete Recorder 2 source with patches from Recorder 1 making this for the first time a 100% complete show.
Looking at the info file from the most common Recorder 1 River Flood source the following parts are missing from that recorder.
Because the Night -> End cut
Rosalita -> End cut
Born to Run -> Beginning/Middle cut
The Recorder 2 source offered here has all those missing parts complete.
The Recorder 2 source had the following issues:
-Promised Land: 18 seconds missing from the start
-Candy's Room: Missing in its entirety
-Ramrod: 5 seconds missing from the start
Those missing parts have been patched with Recorder 1 and almost 5 additional minutes have been added to the show.
It's my pleasure to bring you another Euro River show now 100% complete (new artwork included).
DISC ONE (72:11)
01 Follow That Dream
02 Prove It All Night
03 Out In The Street
04 The Ties That Bind
05 Darkness On The Edge Of Town
06 Independence Day
07 Who'll Stop The Rain
08 Two Hearts
09 The Promised Land (18 seconds missing from intro patched with Recorder 1 "Live In Ahoy '81")
10 This Land Is Your Land
11 The River
12 Badlands
13 Thunder Road
DISC TWO (46:12)
01 Cadillac Ranch
02 Sherry Darling
03 Hungry Heart (w/Flo And Eddie)
04 Because The Night
05 You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
06 Stolen Car
07 Wreck On The Highway
08 Point Blank
DISC THREE (40:58)
01 Candy's Room (Recorder 1 River Flood Source)
02 Ramrod (5 seconds missing from the start patched with Recorder 1 River Flood Source)
03 Rosalita
04 Born To Run
05 Detroit Medley
06 Rockin' All Over The World
Old Recorder 1 source: 2 hours 34 minutes 25 seconds
New Recorder 2 source: 2 hours 39 minutes 21 seconds
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: