Title: Seven Hearts In Philadelphia
'Label': EARLMV
Format: 2 Cdr
Source: Audience
Bruce Base: http://brucebase.wikispaces.com/1981#130781
Story Teller: http://brucebase.wikispaces.com/1981-07-13+-+SPECTRUM%2C+PHILADELPHIA%2C+PA
Date: 13th July 1981
Location: The Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA
Transfer/Trade and Generation Info: flac trade -> db poweramp -> magix audio lab -> traders little helper -> flac (level 8, align on sector boundaries, verify)
Upload includes md5 file, ffp file and artwork.
Disc 1:
01. Thunder Road
02. Prove It All Night
03. The Ties That Bind
04. Darkness On The Edge Of Town
05. Follow That Dream
06. Independence Day
07. Who'll Stop The Rain
08. Two Hearts
09. The Promised Land
10. This Land Is Your Land
11. The River
12. Trapped
13. Out In The Street
14. Badlands
15. Hungry Heart
16. You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
Disc 2:
01. Cadillac Ranch
02. Sherry Darling
03. Johnny Bye Bye
04. Racing In The Street
05. Candy's Room
06. Ramrod
07. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
08. I'm A Rocker
09. 'Thanks'
10. Jungleland
11. Born To Run
12. Detroit Medley (w/ Sock It To Me, Sweet Soul Music, and Shake)
Known faults:
Out In The Street - sound fluctuation
Badlands - sound fluctuation
Sherry Darling - slightly end cut
Jungleland - skip @ 6:24
I've got this show in a flac trade. As Ivan told in his notes for the original upload some tracks ran a little bit too fast. So I've corrected the speed. At least I slightly eqed the tracks. You will hear sometimes more hiss than usual. But I had it that way to keep the live effect.
Enjoy it.