July 6th,1984
Cincinnatti, Ohio
Riverfront Coliseum
Source: Type II Maxell UDXL90 Tapes -> Teac W-860R Double Cassette deck -> Xitel USB INPort -> Wav -> CDWav (Track Splits) -> Goldwave 5.58(Track Editing/Volume Leveling) -> Flac FrontEnd(Level 8, Align on SB, Verify) ->.flac files
Upload will include md5 verification file, flac fingerprint, spectral/frequency analysis, artwork(inaccurate), and PAR2 recovery files(for ABMS only).
Total Time-2:34:04
DISC ONE(68:13)
01-Out in the Street(5:07)
02-Prove It All Night(5:20)
03-JOhnny 99(3:58)
04-Atlantic City(4:58)
05-The River(6:02)
06-Darlington County (5:26)
07-Glory Days(9:10)
08-The Promised Land(5:34)
09-Highway Patrolman(6:17)
10-My Hometown(6:01)
11-Born in the USA(4:56)
DISC TWO(56:18)
01-Cadillac Ranch(4:57)
02-Hungry Heart(4:16)
03-Dancing in the Dark(5:05)
04-Sherry Darling(4:57)
05-Used Cars(5:59)
06-Pink Cadillac(5:55)
08-Bobby Jean(3:54)
09-Racing in the Street(6:54)
02-Born to Run(5:30)
03-Street Fighting Man(3:32)
04-Detroit Medley(10:39)
Notes: The second of the BITUSA Summer Series(sorry for the delays). This show had more question marks than anything else. Existing tapes and CDRs that circulate are in the wrong order. Even these tapes received had a few songs in the wrong places. This show circulated on vinyl a long time ago and maybe that's why it was cut up the wrong way. So, with the help of Killing Floor, BruceBase, and just looking at shows before and after this date I'm pretty sure this is right. The first song(Thunder Road) is missing still. This tape also had lots of fade-outs and fade-ins that I've tried to eliminate. Most of the between song banter is not here. Sound is pretty good. Thanks to JersyGirl for the tapes(and many more to come).
Enjoy, Ivan.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: