September 4th, 1984
Worcester, MA
The Centrum
Total Time: 3:06:42
Source: TDK High BIas SA90 Tapes -> Teac W-860R Double Cassette deck -> Xitel USB INPort -> Wav -> CDWav (Track Splits) -> Goldwave 5.58(Track Editing/Volume Leveling) -> Flac FrontEnd(Level 8, Align on SB, Verify) ->.flac files
Upload will include .md5 verification file, flac fingerprint, spectral/frequency analysis, inaccurate artwork, and PAR2 recovery files(ABMS only).
Disc ONE(76:27)
01-Born In The USA(5:10)
02-Out In The Street(5:19)
03-10th Avenue Freezeout(4:52)
04-Atlantic City(5:37)
05-Johnny 99(4:50)
06-Highway Patrolman(6:39)
07-I'm Goin' Down(5:51)
08-Darlington County(4:45)
09-Glory Days(8:16)
10-The Promised Land(6:13)
11-My Hometown(8:08)
Disc TWO(80:03)
01-Thunder Road(7:20)
02-Hungry Heart(4:52)
03-Dancing In The Dark(5:52)
04-Cadillac Ranch(5:12)
05-Sherry Darling(6:06)
06-No Surrender(5:45)
07-Cover Me(5:56)
08-Prove It All Night(5:55)
09-Pink Cadillac(6:25)-INCOMPLETE
10-Bobby Jean(4:17)
11-Racing in the Street(8:32)
Disc THREE(30:12)
03-Born To Run(4:50)
04-Detroit Medley-CUT(1:17)
05-Twist And Shout-Do You Love Me(9:55)
Notes: Thanks to MudPie for the cassette tapes, we now have a lossless copy of this show. It's a pretty much exact match of the lossy copy I have, including almost of all Detroit Medley missing, just the end is included. The quality of the tape is pretty good. Disc 2 runs three seconds over capacity at the end, most burning programs(if you still burn to CD-R) will allow this but may give a warning. Pink Cadillac is missing a chunk after "My Love is bigger than a Honda".
Enjoy, Ivan
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