Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
Waldbuhne, West Berlin, Germany
July 22, 1988
(Recorder 3 Source with Recorder 2 Patches)

Transfer: "Tunnel Of Love Berlin-West" 4LP > Pioneer TT > MacBook Pro > Audacity > Peak Pro XT (manual de-click / pitch correction / subtle tweaks / patches / volume smoothing / indexing) > xACT > FLAC

A total of 4 recorder sources are available for this night all are very nice and could stand on their own, this share is what I'm calling Recorder 3.

Here are all the sources available:
Recorder 1: Vortex242 Master
Recorder 2: Lucky_Dog Master
Recorder 3: "Tunnel Of Love Berlin-West" 4 LP Set (Boss22788) this share
Recorder 4: Un-booted Source (I have a 2nd generation tape of this source and will share in a future posting)

This capture comes to us via a 4 LP set that has been in my possession since release. It is excellent quality, very close with the least intrusive audience noise of all the sources.

Of the 4 sources this is the only source that has the start of Hungry Heart complete and uncut.

There were a few cuts which I've patched with a pitch corrected version of the Lucky_Dog source making this show for the first time 100% complete with no music or dialogue missing. The Luck_Dog source seemed to fit a little better with this source than the Vortex242 source.

As far as which source you might prefer that would be a matter of taste depending on your set up. As I mentioned this share is 100% complete.

I got a bit hyper focused on this show and this source to make it the absolute best it can be. I don't use any auto de-clicking software as any I've tried cuts the fidelity along with the click.

The vinyl was very good to start with but I have spent hours manually de-clicking this source trying to find even the smallest click because it's that great of a show in exceptional quality, I felt it was worth the time spent.
With that said and with most vinyl there are still some very subtle clicks that are buried in the music spectrum to far to take out without compromising the music. I think you'll find these are few and far between.

Thanks to my old snail mail trading partner Vortex242 for sharing his fine source and the Lucky_Dog source which allowed me to complete this source.

Known Issues:
-Cover Me: 12 seconds missing at start; patched with Lucky_Dog source
-I'm On Fire: 4 seconds missing on last note: 17 total seconds including audience pated with Lucky_Dog source
-Downbound Train: 9 seconds of intro missing: patched with Lucky_Dog source
-Because The Night: 3 seconds missing at end: patched with Lucky_Dog source
-Hungry Heart: 9 seconds missing at end: patched with Lucky_Dog source
-Sweet Soul Music: 28 seconds missing at end: patched with Lucky_Dog source
-Closing Thank You's: 1:03 seconds of Thank You's and audience at end patched with Lucky_Dog source

Samples in comments�

101 Badlands
102 Tunnel Of Love
103 Boom Boom
104 Adam Raised A Cain
105 All That Heaven Will Allow
106 The River
107 The Promised Land
108 Cover Me
109 Brilliant Disguise
110 Spare Parts
111 War
112 Born In The USA
113 Chimes Of Freedom
201 Tougher Than The Rest
202 Who Do You Love? + She's The One
203 You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
204 I'm A Coward, When It Comes To Love
205 I'm On Fire
206 Downbound Train
207 Because The Night
208 Dancing In The Dark
209 Light Of Day
301 Born To Run (acoustic)
302 Hungry Heart
303 Glory Days
304 Can't Help Falling In Love
305 Bobby Jean
306 Cadillac Ranch
307 Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
308 Sweet Soul Music
309 Raise Your Hand
310 Twist And Shout
