"... and will you pull your pants down?"
Bruce Springsteen (Solo)
13th November 2005
Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, NJ
IEM Lineage: Unknown > CDRs > EAC (Secure, to WAV, logs inlcuded) > Adobe Audition 3
AUD Lineage: Prodigal Son Version > Traders Little Helper (to WAV) > Adobe Audition 3
Combined Linage: Out of Audition (to WAV) > CD-Wave (Tracking) > FLAC Frontend (Level 8, Align) > You
The newly circulating IEM mixed in with Prodigal Son's AUD version.
I'm not sure who's original recording PS remastered.
The IEM went through Audition's Multiband Compressor,
the settings of which was the 'Broadcast' preset,
with one change of the Limiter threshold being changed from -10dB to -13dB.
PS version was heavy on the left channel, I panned it back over to compensate.
And a blanket -3dB levels adjustment for the mixing.
This sounds fantastic IMO.
The AUD adds a nice sense of scale and epicness to things,
and the crystal clear clarity of the IEM keeps the music at the forefront.
In places (only ever during a non-music spoken passage) it's very quiet.
Both the IEM and PS versions were like that so obviously is was in the originals,
probably Bruce unknowingly backing away from the mic.
I thought about going through and manually increasing the volume in these places,
but decided it'd be best to leave it faithful to the original.
The dynamic range was already compressed enough with me compressing the IEM and PS compressing whatever source he used.
BITUSA is missing from the IEM so that is just the Prodigal Son version.
And again at the end of Devils and Dust there's a large cut in the IEM.
As I said before I've not heard much D&D stuff,
and so I don't know if the schtick in between Fade Away and Santa Ana was regular on the tour or what,
but this is the first time I've heard it, and damn, it just doesn't get old.
Freaking hilarious!
CD1 Setlist:
01. Born in the USA (AUD Only)
02. Devils and Dust
03. Atlantic City
04. Long Time Coming
05. Intro to..
06. Fade Away
07. The Inspiration for all Rock Music
08. Santa Anna
09. Johnny 99
10. Open All Night
11. Maria's Bed
12. Brilliant Disguise
13. Reno
14. Intro to...
15. Janey Don't You Lose Heart
16. Lost in the Flood
17. Drive All Night
CD2 Setlist:
01. The Rising
02. Further on up the Road
03. A nice bunch of folks... who just happened to scar me for life
04. Jesus Was An Only Son
05. Got my one Jesus joke...
06. This Hard Land
07. ...they're stalkers actually
08. The Hitter
09. Intro to...
10. Matamoros Banks
11. I Wanna Marry You
12. Intro to...
13. 4th July Asbury Park (Sandy)
14. Thundercrack
15. Food Bank P.S.A.
16. The Promised Land
17. Dream Baby Dream
Sample: http://www.fileden.com/files/2009/2/28/2341967/D2T01%20-%20Drive%20All%20Night.mp3
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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