Club "Studio 15"
München aka Munich (Germany)
March or April 1957

Albert Mangelsdorff (tb), Bud Shank (as,fl), Bob Cooper (ts,oboe), Attila Zoller (g), Gary Peacock (b), Karl Sanner (dr); Werner Götze (radio announcer)

01. Radio intro - 0:37
02. STUDIO 15 - 3:34
03. Interview with Albert Mangelsdorff - 0:54
04. I'LL CLOSE MY EYES (tb,g,b,dr only) - 4:17
05. Interview with Bob Cooper - 0:58
06. ANGEL EYES (ts,g,b,dr only) - 3:18
07. TEA FOR TWO (ts,g,b,dr only) - 4:31
08. Interview with Bud Shank - 0:35
09. I CAN'T GET STARTED (as,g,b,dr only) - 2:58
10. TANGERINE (as,g,b,dr only) - 6:22
11. THE NEARNESS OF YOU (fl,oboe,g,b,dr only) - 4:03
12. A NIGHT IN TUNISIA (ts,fl,g,b,dr only) - 7:15
13. Interview with Freddie Brocksieper (then manager of Studio 15) - 0:30

Lineage: B 2 radio rebroadcast (FM via analogue cable) > MC > CD > HD (flac 8)

Sound: A - / B + (tape hiss, a few clicks); kindly note that this session was recorded monaurally.

Note: Unfortunately, no exact recording date is known. B 2 speaker Joe Kienemann gave the date as "May 29, 1957" but this was definitely the date of the original broadcast. In the interview Bob Cooper mentions back gigs in Holland (there is a recording with the Pim Jacobs Trio from March 13th) and that he'll go to Italy with an Austrian group next (there is a recording with Hans Hammerschmid's Trio from Milan, April 30). So the recording date of this session must have been between March 13 and April 30, 1957.