Budos Band
2024-03-08 stage 2
Botanic Park Adelaide.
Jared Tankel – baritone saxophone
Thomas Brenneck – electric guitar
John Carbonella Jr. – congas, drums
Mike Deller – organ
Daniel Foder – bass guitar
Andrew Greene – trumpet
Rob Lombardo – bongos, congas
Brian Profilio – drums
Dame Rodriguez – percussion

Black Venom

Great band , very punchy and energetic, fantastic horn section.
The day was very humid and hot, in short, horrible , it was around 37C ,due to the heat I had to resort to using my Core Sounds binaural mid range mics, (no bass roll off as my unit is stuffed) This has less high end than my usual rig and they also cant take really high bass levels. This recording suffered from bass distortion to some extent,I was right up front near a foldback speaker and I could feel the bass pushing air around , I moved back a bit after track 7 so its less pronounced. I've managed to tone it down a great deal but I advise you to have a listen before you download ,and don't play it ultra loud or crank your bass up !
Core sounds binaurals> sony PCM M10 > 16bit wav >Adobe audition- adjust levels and lower bass with various tools, > lower applause using Acon declick and declip >XACT ( LEVEL 8 ) Playback for editing through Sony MDR-7506 cans.
Stealth mode front row
Recorded, transferred , edit by godzgolfball
don’t sell or distribute for trade in Mp3 format, buy the records and merchandise, support live music ! .

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

BudosBand2024-03-08BotanicParkAdelaideAustralia (1).jpg
BudosBand2024-03-08BotanicParkAdelaideAustralia (2).jpg
BudosBand2024-03-08BotanicParkAdelaideAustralia (3).jpg
BudosBand2024-03-08BotanicParkAdelaideAustralia (4).jpg