Buffalo Tom
Music Hall
Portsmouth, NH
April 17, 2015
CA-11s/battery box/Edirol R-09HR/WAV/xACT/FLAC
1. intro
2. Velvet Roof
3. Summer
4. Kitchen Door
5. Staples
6. Torch Singer
7. Mineral
8. Treehouse
9. Larry
10. I’m Allowed
11. Rachael
12. Guilty Girls
13. Crueler
14. Dry Land
15. You’ll Never Catch Him
16. The Kids Just Sleep
17. Taillights Fade
18. break
19. Sodajerk
20. Late At Night
21. Tangerine
22. outro
Apologies for taking so long to post this, but maybe the delay is a good thing — hopefully this serves, posted now, as a reminder to anyone dragging his feet on whether or not to see Buffalo Tom at the Sinclair in Cambridge later this month. Just listen to how good the guys still sound! Check out that fabulous setlist! Remember what great songwriters Janovitz and Colbourn are, and have been for decades now, and how tremendous their playing is! And I’m not forgetting Maginnis - nobody could - but just spend a few minutes listening to the fury of his drumming. Man oh man.
This was a one-off, as I guess most Buffalo Tom shows are nowadays. They played the beautiful Portsmouth Music Hall, where you’re greeted at the door by a woman in nineteenth-century garb and where the sound is good and the beers tasty and the dancing, well… Maybe we’d better not talk about the crowd’s dancing. (I’m as much an offender as anyone, but we’re getting old, sad to say.) This would have been a near-perfect recording if I’d been dancing less and watching my gear more - a couple of folks sat down near my mics midway through the show and started gabbing, which doesn’t ruin anything but proved a disappointment on playback. Everything sounds pretty damn good nonetheless - and any set that includes “Crueler” and “Dry Land” and “The Kids Just Sleep” deserves a listen, if you’re at all a fan.
Download this, please. Convert it to any format you like, and remaster it to your heart’s content, and post it anywhere you think it’ll help drum up interest in Buffalo Tom’s music and merch and live shows. Support this band in any and every way possible, and spread the word liberally that Boston’s finest are not a whit diminished from their heyday. Buffalo Tom are amazing - enjoy the show!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: