Burning Spear
Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre, Irvine, CA.
AUD (hand held) : SchoepsCMC34 > PanasonicSV-255 (DAT master) @ 16bit/48kHz
Transfer (2018-12-27)
TascamDA-20mkII (DAT/m) > S/PDIF to AES > EdirolR-4Pro (Oade Concert Mod) @ 16bit/48kHz
R-4Pro > USB (raw WAV) > WavelabPro9.5 > CDWav (tracking) > TLH (FLAC level8)
Recorded by Rick Katzeff / Montgomery / Grant
Transferred & Mastered by Chris Mrachek (Leftover Salmon's Archivist)
March 2019
*** Show Notes ***
~ Sourced from the Teddy Ballgame Archive
~ Couple spots of light (wind) phasing but very minor - great sound here
~ Very brief spots (near start and end) where the mics were adjusted - no music affected
~ Very special thanks to brother Ted Mattes
01 - intro
02 -
03 -
04 - Marcus Garvey
05 - Christopher Columbus
06 -
07 -
08 -
09 - Old Marcus Garvey
10 -
11 - Slavery Days
12 - (E) African Postman
13 - outro