Title: Camel - Alte Seilerei, Mannheim, Germany 2013-10-31

This is not the recording that wanner uploaded some days ago.

Edirol R 09 HR -> SD Card (WAV 44/24) -> PC -> Master Audacity -> WAV 44/16 -> flac Level 8 (best)

Recording position:
first row, center, directly beside the post

Thanks to wannerl for the track splitting informations

CD 1:

01 [lights out]
== The Snow Goose ==
02 The Great Marsh
03 Rhayader
04 Rhayader goes to Town
05 Sanctuary
06 Fritha
07 The Snow Goose
08 Friendship
09 Migration
10 Rhayader Alone
11 Flight of the Snow Goose
12 Preparation
13 Dunkirk
14 Epitaph
15 Fritha Alone
16 La Princesse Perdue
17 The Great Marsh (reprise)
18 Never let go
19 Song within a Song
20 Echoes

CD 2:

01 The Hour Candle
02 Tell me
03 Watching the Bobbins
04 Fox Hill
05 For Today
06 [band introduction]
07 Lady Fantasy

Andrew Latimer - Git, Flute, Voc, Keys
Jason Hart - Keys, AcGit
Colin Bass - Bass, AcGit, Voc
Denis Clement - Drum, Bass
Guy LeBlanc - Keys, Voc