Canned Heat
1967-01-14 __ Los Angeles, California __ Ash Grove __ (M?-SBD)
8162 Melrose Avenue __ (Digital copy from Alan Wilson's reel)

~!~ Mk3 copy, carefully remastered fixing various issues, without NR but WITH some EQ ~!~

Early Show :::
01. --talk & tuning--
02. Terraplane Blues
03. --talk & tuning--
04. Dealing With The Devil
05. --talk & tuning--
06. Rollin' & Tumblin'
07. --talk & tuning--
08. Rainy Day Blues
09. --talk & tuning--
10. Evil
11. --talk & tuning--
12. Highway 61//
13. --talk & tuning--
14. Got My Mojo Working
15. ? (set outro ditty)

Late Show :::
16. ...You�re So Fine
17. --talk & tuning--
18. Can�t Hold Out//

Total Time ::: 45:42

::: Right fine SBD for the era but some vocal mike distortion. Check samples for trip or flee indicators.
::: WARTS: Repaired dullspots & dropouts but surely missed a few. #12 cuts after 1min. #16 starts late & had split second splice (now patched). #18 cuts after 70secs. Tape splices between 04&05, 08&09, 12&13, 15&16 (set change), 16&17.
::: COMPARISON CLAUSE: If it circulates Mk1 version is raw transfer with only a few volume tweaks & is missing MANY 100s of fixes.
::: CONTRAST CLAUSE: This Mk3 remaster is without NR but WITH EQ (to brighten it up). The Mk2 version without EQ may be found elsewhere.
::: NOTE that the EQ here makes some distortion issues more apparent, so will not be to everyone's taste!
::: Alan Wilson's reels labeled "January 1967 Ash Grove" but dates were matched to Marina Bokelman Collection lists.
::: COMPARISON CLAUSE: NOTHING HERE overlaps with DocTinker's "Unknown Club, 1967(?), sbd!" 2005 upload or its 2018 "1967-01-xx Ash Grove COMPILATION" remaster.
::: Marina Bokelman Collection lists are at
::: According to Bokelman, this 1967-01-14 upload is missing the last 6 songs (Pet Cream Man/Must I Shake �Em On Down[fragment]/Dust My Broom/300lbs Of Heavenly Joy/Slow Blues/There�s 2 Ways To Skin A Cat).
::: #08 "Rainy Day Blues" is aka "Rain Keep A-Falling".
::: #15 track title unknown but seems to be a separate tune as they count into it.
::: In '67 it was essentially sets at the Grove, not shows. The club was rarely emptied between performances (info courtesy of Alan Bershaw).
::: Show/Set breaks are clear, but the Early & Late Show attributions are only guesses.
::: 1967 Ash Grove Canned Heat tapes exist from January 8,13,14,20 & March 29 so there are hours more!
::: Could someone PLEASE share the other Ash Grove tapes while we can enjoy them? It's 51 years on...
::: There were reportedly NO Canned Heat tapes in the Wolfgang's Vault Ash Grove tape stash.
::: Some YouTube Ash Grove uploads labeled "1967-01-20" are actually "1967-01-14" according to Bokelman list.
::: Until we get lossless copies, don't miss added Ash Grove Canned Heat YouTube trax, like the 1 w/Taj Mahal at
::: The same Mark Andes on bass who was a founding member of Spirit, Jo Jo Gunne & Firefall.
::: Frank Cook was also the drummer & manager for early Pacific Gas & Electric (from 1967-1970).
::: What is on the 1999 C.Heat Pontiac label boot CD (CD-r?) "Ash Grove Boogie"? Could someone PLEASE upload it?
::: Hite jokes about playing more boogie "if Barry Hanson is around with his little brown bottle." Barry's apparently Canned Heat's manager at this time (pre-Dr.Demento era while living w/Spirit in Topanga Canyon).

Recording Information ::: SBD -> unknown mono reel-to-reel recorder -> master tapes -> unknown (probably only reel) generations -> Alan Wilson's reels.

Playback circa 2000 ::: Alan Wilson's reels -> CDRs -> wavs.

Remastering 2016/2017 ::: wavs -> Audacity [channel/phase alignment, fades, manual one-at-a-time glitch, bump, pop, click, dropout & dullspot repairs, volume adjustments, speed/pitch seemed OK on average & left alone, NO noise reduction, EQ (equalisation) applied on entire recording to brighten up the sound (NOTE that it does make some distortion issues more apparent)] -> CD Wave (track splits) -> flacs (Trader's Little Helper) -> yr ears. First uploaded 2018-01-xx.

Line-up ::: Robert Ernest Hite aka Bob "The Bear" Hite - harmonica, vocals // Alan Christie "Blind Owl" Wilson - electric guitar, harmonica, vocals // Henry Charles "The Sunflower" Vestine - electric guitar // Mark Andes - electric bass // Frank Cook - drums, vocals (#15).

Nothing here ever commercially released to my knowledge. If I'm wrong, please advise & I'll take the offending trax offline. (Nothing here overlaps with "The Boogie House Tapes" CDs).

DimeTravel 394 ::: Thanks to the original taper & traders! ::: Corrections welcome ::: Feels like i've been working on this one forever after returning to it again & again. The notes & comparisons were brutal, but lessening or repairing each bit of microphone distortion was really insane. Great music overall, gives one an intimate look at the band before the big time. Listen, enjoy, show appreciation, share, give, spread peace. Yrs truly, Knees

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