Carolyn Wonderland

August 02, 2006
Austin, Texas

Zilker Park

Blues On The Green
source: Soundboard>MarantzCDR420[16bit44.1kHzWAV]>CD>WAV>FLAC
taped by joshua cain

mastering by hanwaker 2012-10
rejoined tracks (flac) in audiogate and then raised volume and corrected channel volume
tracked in cdwave-wav--flac (8)

tt 49:32

01 -intro-
02 nobody's fault but mine (blind willie johnson)
04 i am the man
05 pieces of a postcard
06 misunderstood
07 my mind is on vacation
08 i live alone with someone
09 bloodless revolution
10 come together
11 -banter-

a joshuaCain recording a hanwaker editing and upload to dime 2012-10