Cedar Walton Trio
Latitude St. Germain
Paris, France
March 21, 1990

Goody Remaster of a watten Torrent

watten's Source: FM (jazz club, France musique)/Yamaha KX500/Audacity/XAct >

Goody's additional lineage:
TLH (WAV) > Audition (Hard limiting; click, pop & glitch repair; tracking/splits/fades) > TLH (FLAC Level 8; Align sector boundaries; .ffp)

Audio quality : A- (FM hiss)

Cedar Walton - piano
David Williams - bass
Billy Higgins - drums

Disc 1
01 I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face
02 Django
03 Memories Of You
04 Theme for Ernie
05 Evidence - Ruby, My Dear
06 Off Minor
07 'Round Midnight
08 Blue Monk - Rhythm-A-Ning
09 Theme For Red

Disc 2
10 Cedar's Blues
11 Somewhere Over The Rainbow
12 Cedar's Blues
13 Lament
14 N. P. S.
15 Fiesta Espa�ola
16 On the Trail
17 Radio announcement
18 Iron Clad

TT : 141 minutes

Goody's comments:
I have no idea why there are 2 performances of "Cedar's Blues", but I'm not complaining! Most likely, this broadcast was compiled from more than one date. Watten's original torrent had no splits for what are now tracks 10, 11 & 12. Upon listening to a very long Track 10 in the source, I discovered the other titles and tracked them for this edition. I also lowered the volume of all the tracks, as they were a bit hot and in the red, but not so that they appear distorted, fortunately. Any big glitches I found are now repaired, and I came across many other little clicks, pops and static which I also did my best to repair or reduce. There may still be more of those here that I could have missed in trying to get this out to you, (hopefully, not,) to help celebrate Cedar's life and music. These performances are among his and the trio's best. And what a trio it was! Everyone gets multiple chances to really shine.

Many thanks to watten for sharing his great recording!

RIP Cedar Walton (and, of course, Master Higgins)
Text updated for this edition - 8/20/13