Charlie Hunter Quartet 2001-11-01 Somerville Theatre, Somerville, MA, USA

Source: (fob/dfc 4th row) Schoeps cmc621 -> Lunatec 316(+30dB) -> SBM-1(Oade Mod.) -> DA-P1 @44.1kHz;
Transfer: R500(m) -> Zefiro ZA2 -> Soundforge 4.5 -> CDWav -> SHN -> FLAC

Recorded, transferred and transcoded by Eric McRoberts 11/8/2014

One Set Show:
01. intro/crowd
02. t02
03. t03
04. t04
05. t05
06. t06
07. t07
08. t08
09. t09 #
10. Love Having You Around #*@
11. t11 *

Charlie Hunter - 8-String Guitar
Chris Lovejoy - Drums
Stephen Chopek - Percussion
John Ellis - Tenor Sax

# w/ Cochemea Gastelum - Alto Sax
* w/ Robert Walter - Keys
@ w/ Jans Ingber - Vocals

Robert Walter's 20th Congress opened the show