Chris Duarte & Bluestone Co.
House Of Blues Back Porch
Chicago, IL

Neumann skm140(~DIN/FOS ~15'/DFC/6' high) > Sound Devices Mixpre > Korg MR-1(24/48) > Audiogate(dither[Korg Aqua]/resample to 16/44.1) > CDWave(Tracking) > FLAC(16/44.1/Level 8)

Recorded By: John Fairbairn

Set 1
1. Silver Horse
2. In The News
3. Back In Town
4. Chattahoochee Side
5. 396
6. Satisfy
7. Mad As I Can Be
8. h2k3
9. Luck Shine On Me
10. Angelina
11. Electric Rainbow

Set 2
1. Funky Mama
2. Put Up Or Shut Up
3. Still I Think Of You
4. The Best I Can Do
5. Kohima Ridge
6. Me 'n' You
7. Silver Spoon
8. Give It Back To Me
9. Cleo >
10. Like Eric

Notes: Thanks to taperjoe for the clampspace!