Chris Hillman-Herb Pederson June 02,2011 John Hartford Memorial Festival Bean Blossom,IN source:sbd > CA-9100 > MR-1 @ 1 bit 2.8MHz transfer:MR-1 > audiogate (24/96) > audacity (fix channel) > Audiogate (track,16/44.1) > TLH flac level 8 taped/transferred/shared by indydarkstar t01 - my sweet desert rose t02 - theres a time for every purpose t03 - time between t04 - if I could only win your love t05 - hearts overflowing t06 - eight miles high t07 - streets of bakersfield t08 - together again t09 - a good womans love t10 - the old crossroads t11 - wheels t12 - true,he's gone t13 - I'm gonna make heaven my home t14 - I am a pilgram t15 - wait a minute t16 - banter t17 - mr tamborine man t18 - it doesn't matter t19 - heavens lullaby please support artists who allow us to do this. go see a show,buy some stuff,take a friend I had a cable issue and lost the right channel on a good part of this, I replaced it with the left channel and rejoined them Thanks to John Hotze for a great festival, the soundcrew for great sound and the patch, and Chris and Herb for a great set