Chris Robinson Brotherhood
The State Theatre
Greenville, NC

Source: Aud > Zoom H4N Pro >SD card @ 24/48
Location: clamped to balcony rail, slightly left of center
Transfer: SD card > CDwave Editor(track splits) > TLH:convert to flac level 8 & create ffp
Recorded and transfered/edited by billymack7

01. Let it Bleed
02. A Smiling Epitaph
03. Rare Birds
04. Blue Star Woman
05. Let It Fall
06. Serves Me Right To Suffer
07. The Chauffer's Daughter
08. Dice Game
09. Little Lizze Mae>
10. Can You Hear Me
11. Venus In Chrome
12. Behold The Seer

Encore(cut at start)
13. Mandolin Wind

Note: My batteries were very low and I tried unsuccessfully to change batteries while the band left the stage. It took too long for the H4N pro to boot back up, so I missed a little of the encore.

Thanks to The State Theatre for such a great venue and staff. And of course thanks to CRB for allowing taping, and the opening band The Texas Gentleman for allowing taping, and thank you all for a real good time! billymack7

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

ChrisRobinsonBrotherhood2019-05-19TheStateTheatreGreenvilleNC (1).jpg
ChrisRobinsonBrotherhood2019-05-19TheStateTheatreGreenvilleNC (2).jpg
ChrisRobinsonBrotherhood2019-05-19TheStateTheatreGreenvilleNC (3).jpg
ChrisRobinsonBrotherhood2019-05-19TheStateTheatreGreenvilleNC (4).jpg