Chris Robinson (w/Paul Stacey)
The Paradise
Boston, MA
June 23, 2002
Taper: Eric Dahlgren
Source: Schoeps CMC6/MK4 > Lunatec V2 > RME/Nuendo Multiset >
Dell Inspiron 5000 (24 bit/96 kHz)
Location: ~20' from stage, middle of balcony
Resampling: SoundForge (w/ anti-alias)
Dithering: Apogee UV22HR
Disc 1 - 49:14
01. Intro - 02:57
02. Silver Car - 05:48
03. Safe in the Arms of Love - 05:24
04. I Got a Woman * - 05:42
05. Untangle My Love - 07:55
06. Last of the Old Time Train Robbers - 07:52
07. Kissing Magik Horses > - 04:14
08. Mint Tea - 05:09
09. Mother of Stone - 04:13
Disc 2 - 60:30
01. Intro - 01:47
02. Comes a Time # - 08:08
03. Day After Day ~ - 05:19
04. Fables - 04:48
05. Sunday Sound - 08:34
06. You're a Big Girl Now % - 08:32
07. Beginners and Sinners - 10:19
08. e: Katie Dear - 06:22
09. e: She's on Her Way - 06:41
* Ray Charles cover
# Jerry Garcia Band cover
~ Badfinger cover
% Bob Dylan cover