Chris Smither
Live Theatre
Newcastle, UK
5th November 1999
A few people are patiently waiting for this show, the closing sahow of the UK tour.
The box said Jumping Hot club, but that's the name of the promotors as Borobri explained. He was so kind to contact them
to inquire if they remembered what the venue was. It turned out that in 1999 they only booked in the Live Theatre, so thanks
to Borobri we have the name of the venue.
A few months ago traink gave me a box full of DAT tapes. At the time he transferred a few tapes to cassette for personal use.
It's possible copies of those cassettes circulate in a small circle, but this is the first time the DAT tapes have been extracted to wave.
Reelclasio did a 16/48 transfer. I did some minor editing, tracked the files, flacced them etc.and finally share them in 16/44.1
Source: DAT Master Soundboard (Sony D7)
Lineage: DAT Cassette > Pioneer D-05 > Hucht > Tascam SS-R1 Compact Flash Card
> PC > Samplitude 11
I already shared the Townes Van Zandt and the Eric Taylor shows traink sent me.
Seventh and final installment of seven Chris Smither shows to clebrate Dime's 10th anniversary.
Check Dime's homepage for details about the freeloader days!
It was fun listening to and sharing these shows. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did.
For now it's over, but traink has a lot more. In fact he'll bring them on his next visit to my country, so stay tuned.
Traink must have bought a tour ticket for the Uk shows. He recorded:
28th October 1999 - The Robin Hood, Dudley-
29th October 1999 - The Alma Tavern, Bristol-
31st October 1999 - The Brook, Southampton-
2nd November 1999 - The Adelphi, Preston-
3rd November 1999 - University, Manchester-
5th November 1999 - Live Theatre, Newcastle
Set One [01:04:07]
1. Tuning
2. Jailhouse Blues <Lewis "Rabbit" Muse>
3. Link Of Chain
4. Banter/song intro
5. No Love Today
6. Rock And Roll Doctor <Lowell George>
7. Tuning/song intro
8. Help Me Now
9. Tuning
10. High Heel Sneakers
11. Tuning
12. Thanks To You
13. Can't Shake These Blues
14. Tuning
15. Dust My Broom
16. Song intro
17. Hey, Hey, Hey
18. Tuning
19. Killin' The Blues
20. Banter/song intro
21. Hold On I
Set Two [52:47]
1. Tuning
2. Memphis In The Meantime <John Hiatt>
3. No More Cane On The Brazos <traditional>
4. Mail Order Mystics
5. What Was It You Wanted <Bob Dylan>
6. Tuning/song intro
7. Get A Better One
8. Song intro
9. Tell Me Why You Love Me
10. Song intro
11. Winsome Smile
12. I Am The Ride
13. Duncan & Brady <traditional>
14. Song intro/banter
15. Drive You Home
16. Encore applause/song intro
17. So Long