Montreal, QC -- New Club Soda
2006-02-07 -- 41:44 -- 12 tracks

Recorded by stevemtl: Sennheiser MKE2002 -> Denon DTR80P (44.1 khz, 16 bit)
Transferred by stevemtl: Denon DTR90P -> M-Audio 2496 (digital port) -> CEPro (trim; fades) -> CDwave (track breaks) -> Flac frontend (level 8; SBE corrected, tested).
Torrented by stevemtl: Maketorrent; ffp, MD5, info file included

No setlist or artwork. Help very much appreciated.

Please pass on only in lossless format.

Do not sell or auction (or facilitate in any manner the sale or auction of) this or any other
fan-made recording.

Support the performer by attending shows and buying the commercial releases.