Cipollina - Gravenites etc
Anna x 10, plus a Cooler
Various dates, & venues
1 GCB, Berlin, 17-Oct-82 (11:18)
2 GCB, Osnabruck, 22-Oct-82 (6:33)
3 GCB, Nicksilver bootleg (Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel, Providence, RI), 19-Sep-83 (5:54)
4 TnL, The Stone, San Francisco, 5-Jan-84 (6:25)
5 TnL, Chi Chi Club, San Francisco, 4-Aug-84 (7:22)
6 TnL, Miramar Beach Inn, Miramar, CA, 13-Sep-84 6:43)
7 TnL, Chi Chi Club, 30-Mar-85 (8:01)
8 GCB, Golden Gate Park, 22-Jun-85 (6:34)
9 CG&F, Chi Chi Club, 31-Dec-86 (8:53)
10 TnL, Chi Chi Club, 25-Jul-87 (8:13)
All tracks are Goin' Back To Anna (aka Anna), except #1 which is a very short Goin' Back To Anna that runs into Small Walk-In Box (sometimes aka Beer Cooler).
1-3, 8 - Gravenites/Cipollina Band
4-7, 10 - Thunder & Lightning
9 Cipollina, Gravenites & Friends
Nick Gravenites - guitar, vocals
John Cipollina - guitar
Al Staehely - bass, tracks 1 - 3
Doug Kilmer - bass, tracks 4 - 10
Greg Elmore - drums, tracks 1 - 10
Merl Saunders - keyboards, track 3
The 5-Jan-84, 4-Aug-84 and 25-Jul-87 shows, along with many others, can be downloaded from the John Cipollina section of the Live Music Archive at
For details of the shows that these tracks are taken from, see