The Claypool Lennon Delirium
Tampa, FL
The Ritz

Schoeps MK4V > KC5 > CMC6 > Lunatec V3 @ 24/48 > Tascam DR100-MKII

Downsampled in Audacity to 44.1khz/16bit

01) Intro / There's No Underwear in Space (P.A.)
02) Cricket and the Genie (Movement I, The Delirium)
03) Cricket and the Genie (Movement II, Oratorio Di Cricket)
04) Breath of a Salesman
05) The Monolith of Phobos
06) Up on the Roof
07) Ohmerica
08) Bubbles Burst
09) Mr. Wright
10) Boomerang Baby
11) Oxycontin Girl
12) Astronomy Domine
13) Captain Lariat
14) Tomorrow Never Knows
15) Southbound Pachyderm

- Cosmic Highway tease before Captain Lariat
- Ol Diamondback Sturgeon tease during Tomorrow Never Knows
- Running the Gauntlet tease before Southbound Pachyderm